Shops and Facilities


The nearest well stocked shop is in Enniskerry village, approximately 10km / 6 miles from the centre.

Enniskerry Newsagents, Grocery, Butchers
Bray Supermarket – Castle Centre. Wide range of shops
Kilternan Forecourt Shop

Car Repair

Kwik Fit, Castle Street Bray (opposite Supermarket)

1 Hour Photo

Dargle Pharmacy, Novara Ave, Bray.  (01) 282 9301
Dargle Pharmacy, Castle Streeet, Bray. (01) 286 0030


The nearest church is at the Glencree Reconciliation Centre.

Catholic Churches

Enniskerrry: Saturday 7pm, Sunday 11am
Glencree: First Sunday each month 9am
Curtlestown: Sunday 10am

Church of Ireland

Enniskerry: Sunday
Eucharist Service 8.30am
Morning Prayer 11.30am